Tuesday, December 2, 2008

The consumption of Meat and the Enviorment

Yesterday I gave a short presentation to the Penn State Ve*an club on the effects of eating meat and the environment. Below is a fact sheet and a short comment on why these numbers are so high. If you want the sources, please E-mail me or Google it.

Note: Top 4 contributors of global warming are carbon dioxide, methane, water vapor, and nitrous oxide. These account for the top 95% factors of global warming.

Fossil Fuels:

Switching from an SUV to a hybrid is estimated to conserve one ton of carbon dioxide per year. Switching to a Vegan diet will save one and a half tons a year.

More than 1/3rd of all fossil fuels produced in the US go towards animal agriculture

Reason: Animals are fed with grains soy and other crops—these crops must be harvested and transported to feed lots. The animals are then transported from feed lots to slaughter houses then the carcasses are then shipped to a processing and packing plant, then to a store.

In a 2006 UN report: “raising animals for food generates more greenhouse gases than all the cars and trucks in the world combined.”

Methane(2nd largest contributor of global warming):

Methane is more than 20 times as powerful as carbon dioxide at trapping heat in our atmosphere.
40% of all methane emissions worldwide come from animal agriculture.

Nitrous Oxide(4th largest contributor of global warming):

Nitrous oxide is 298 times more potent as a global warming gas than carbon dioxide.

According to the U.N., the meat, egg, and dairy industries account for 62% of worldwide nitrous oxide emissions.

Water usage:

Animal production consumes an amount of water roughly equivalent to all other uses of water in the US combine. (some studies show up to 60% of all water in America used goes to meat production)

One pound of beef requires an input of 2500-12,000 gallons of Water (depending on the diet)
One pound of soy requires an input of 250 gallons of Water
One pound of potatoes requires an input of 60 gallons of Water
One pound of wheat requires an input of 25 gallons of Water

Runoff from agriculture:

80% of stream and riparian habitats in the western US have been negatively impacted by livestock.

Pesticides and nitrates seeping into ground water, streams, and major waterways cause dead zones.

Reason: Pesticides and nitrates used in fertilizers and manure seep into ground water and streams eventually leading into major waterways which lead into the ocean. This creates area’s called dead zones (areas which plants and animals cannot survive because of phosphates, nitrates, decreased dissolved oxygen—bacteria thrives in this environment). All of this is when farming goes correctly—not when there are chemical spills or manure dumps.


Animals raised for food in the U.S. consume 90% soy meal and 80% of the corn crop.

It takes 16 pounds of grain to produce one pound of meat. (Just imagine cooking 16 pounds of pasta, eating one, and throwing 15 out. This is what we do every time we eat meat.

Food grown directly for human consumption utilizes 60 million acres;1,200 million acres are used to grow what is fed to livestock.

In a 2006, UN initiative, the livestock industry is one of the largest contributors to environmental degradation worldwide. The initiative concluded that "the livestock sector emerges as one of the top two or three most significant contributors to the most serious environmental problems, at every scale from local to global”

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Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Why Humans Are Not Meant to Eat Meat

I’ve gotten this question so many times it’s truly unbelievable. “Aren’t we meant to eat meat?” There are a few different responses that I give to people and they are always shocked. None of my responses should be in anyway controversial, in reality, they are all facts, but people continue to look at me like I have three heads. I suppose this reaction is normal since I’m mentioning an idea that people have never heard of—kind of when we were told the truth about Santa and the Tooth fairy. At any rate, I hope this post will show you another side to this question.

To get to the answer of this question, dwelling on the past is not the answer. Many people bring up our ancestry, but since we are not living in caves, it is not relevant. While our ancestors needed to use meat for their survival, we by no means have to, in fact, quite the opposite is true. They walked places, we drive cars. They hunted, we factory farm. The times are totally different so let’s get to the point.

Currently, there are two main types of diets—animal based and vegetarian. When we look at the hard numbers of these diets, the consensus is clear as to which one is better for our health. I could go on and on with statistics, and I will mention a few, but if you are truly interested, I encourage you to search the internet, read the china study, or talk with a dietitian-- they will all confirm that there is a strong link between the consumption of meat and diseases.

As mentioned above, I will cover one or two studies just to put everything into perspective. The first covers heart disease. Heart disease is the number one cause of death in America according to the American Heart Association. One study found that people who eat meat have a 50% higher risk of developing heart disease compared to vegetarians.[i] Next, cancer rates, found in numerous studies, are also affected by the consumption of meat. One 11-year-long German study (with 800 vegetarian men), found their cancer rates were less than half those of the general public. Another study shows vegetarians having 40% the cancer rates of meat-eaters.[ii] And just to bring everything together, according to the American Dietetic Association, vegetarians have “lower rates of death from ischemic heart disease; … lower blood cholesterol levels, lower blood pressure, and lower rates of hypertension, type 2 diabetes, and prostate and colon cancer.[iii]” To think we thought smoking in front of our kids is bad, maybe it’s time we stop killing them with the food we give them—eating meat is the new cigarette.( and better yet, we have to note that these studies came out before our meat is genetically modified.)

When we get back to the question above, “Aren’t we meant to eat meat?” the previous studies and nearly all mainstream nutritional science are important to note. If we are meant to eat meat, why are the health problems mentioned above drastically lower in vegetarians? The answer is clear—we aren’t meant to eat meat.

There has also been some study of our anatomy by a Stanford University-trained physician specializing in nutrition named Dr. Milton R. Mills. In his paper, The Comparative Anatomy of Eating, Dr. Mills breaks down our body organ by organ and shows why the body of humans is better equipped for a vegetarian diet. He compares our organs to Carnivores, Herbivores, and Omnivores and shows us which we are most like. For those who are scientifically inclined, I encourage you to take a quick look at it.

In the paper he talks about a number of troubling facts if you still maintain that we are meant to eat meat. For one, he talks about the common misconception of our teeth. Many people talk about our canine teeth as a reason for why we are meant to eat meat. Comparing our canine teeth to a true carnivore such as a cat’s teeth is laughable. When we eat foods, we use the molars in the back to chew, like herbivores, not our canine teeth. Take note of this next time you eat. If we were to remove our canines, we wouldn’t even notice the difference. We also must chew our food in order for proper digestion. Carnivores can swallow their food whole (think of a lion or tiger after a kill).

The next organ he talks about is the size of our intestines. In summary, carnivore’s intestines are very short while herbivores are long. Ours, as I’m sure many already know, are quite long. This is one of the reasons we hear so much about fiber; while carnivores don’t need fiber because of their relatively short intestines, herbivores and humans do for proper digestion. This is another area where our ’natural’ diets of meat have failed us. For those who have ever been constipated, you already know why meat-based diets are inadequate.

Lastly, though not mentioned in the paper, there is the issue of cholesterol. While true carnivores can have literally unlimited amounts of cholesterol and not have any effect on their heart and artery walls, we hear about how high cholesterol is such a problem in humans every day. We are not meant to have diets with high cholesterol, which is only found in animal products. This is one of the reasons for such high rates of Heart Disease.

The paper discusses 16 other attributes throughout our body which show why we are not ‘meant’ to eat meat. As discussed in the paper, we are traditionally though of as omnivores, however an overwhelming amount of our anatomy proves otherwise. Similar to the disease rates mentioned above, I encourage everyone to read elsewhere to learn about our anatomy to assure you that I am not exaggerating or fabricating any information.

The last point I would like to bring up is the point of nutrition since this is brought up nearly every dinner conversation. The idea that plants don’t have protein, vitamins and minerals is ludicrous. In a NYTimes article, Mark Bittman brings up the point that, “Plants have protein, too; in fact, per calorie, many plants have more protein than meat.”[iv] I suppose the next time someone asks where I get my protein, I should say, “Vegetables, but you eat meat, are you sure you’re getting enough protein?” The other side to the wacky argument deals with not having enough vitamins and minerals. Why do you think dietitions stress eating more fruits and vegetables? Could it be that vegetables have a variety of vitamins, minerals, and fiber which meat doesn't have? Yes.(and if people were truly worried, I don't see anything wrong with taking a multi-vitamin which some meat-eaters are already do. Also, before this comes up, by eating a variety, you can get all of the essential amino acids.)

Science, nutrition, and epidemiology have shown us that we are not meant to eat meat and if anything, to avoid it completely. Society continues to have this crazy misconception that we are somehow meant to eat meat. This cannot be farther from the truth. People do not salivate when they see road kill, which carnivores do. People cannot kill pray with our nails or teeth like carnivores do. And most importantly, if humans were meant to be carnivores, we certainly would not have the crazy health problems that we see in meat eaters. Until all of these change, I am convinced we are not meant to eat meat and I hope you are too. The idea that we would rather kill animals for the taste which will result in an increase in disease as opposed to switch our diet to a humane one is nonsensical and outrageous. It’s time we look at our diet and do what is the right thing. It’s time we stopped eating meat.

[i] Elizabeth Somer, "Eating Meat: A Little Doesn't Hurt," WebMD, 1999.
[ii] Neal Barnard, M.D., The Power of Your Plate, Book Publishing Co.: Summertown, Tenn., 1990, p. 26.
[iii] Ann Mangels, Virginia Messina, and Vesanto Melina, "Position of the American Dietetic Association and Dietitians of Canada: Vegetarian Diets," Journal of the American Dietetic Association, Jun. 2003, pp. 748-65.
[iv] http://www.nytimes.com/2008/06/11/dining/11mini.html

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Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Can America Overcome Again?

Thanksgiving is a little more than a week away and judging by past experiences, my family is thrilled. This holiday tops any other holiday that we celebrate. We invite people from all over; family, friends, and even newly met acquaintances. Like most fortunate families celebrating this holiday, the quantity of food is unbelievable; mashed potatoes, corn, apple cider, pumpkin pie, and of course the turkey. We do however have something that’s a little different—we serve Tofurkey.

Now, for those who aren’t familiar with Tofurkey, it is a non-meat alternative to turkey and also the brunt of many jokes regarding vegetarian food. We serve this because I’m a vegan. A lot of people already know my dietary preferences, but I would guess that a majority of people cannot figure out why I care so much about avoiding eating animals. This is the normal reaction at least. Many people think there are so many other ethical issues that are more important, so why should we waste our time with this?

The fact is all of these ethical issues are remarkably similar to each other. Coretta Scott King, Martin Luther King’s wife, spoke of animal rights as a “logical extension” of her husband’s work. I’ve already pointed out with many examples how the past trends of racism, sexism, and discrimination based on sexual orientation are all so closely related. All of these involve an uncalled-for, harsh domination over another being without a valid reason and sadly, only a small amount of people stood up to these atrocities. When we look back into history, it sickens us to think that our ancestors didn’t say anything, didn’t do anything, didn’t even question or care how we treated others. To think that our generation will act with the same ignorance— not care how we treat others— really makes me uneasy.

By the looks of everything, we are again getting lazy with our morals. An overwhelming amount of people actually think that the ten minutes of taste meat gives us is worth more than the animal’s life—how can this be a valid reason to kill animals? There shouldn’t be any sincere debate whether factory farming is right or wrong—just look here if you are unsure. With any bit of logic we see that the way we raise and treat animals is not right; it’s just whether people will stop making excuses as to why they eat meat and start to care enough to change the way they eat.

When we look back at any of the –ism’s mentioned above, the majority of people agreed that how they treated others wasn’t right—they however did nothing to change that. Currently, many people have a problem with how we treat animals, yet they still choose to do nothing about it. For our ancestors, expressing their opinion was potentially dangerous activity while our situation is quite the opposite. Every time we go shopping we are voicing our opinion through our purchasing power; we are essentially voting with our money. If we feel as though something is wrong, we should address it, not ignore it. Next time we go shopping, instead of staying with status quo like we did with racism for so many years, we should skip over the cruel options (and that’s putting it lightly) and choose the civil alternative.

Thanksgiving will be America’s next test to see if people ignore our generation’s ethical folly. Depending on which food they grab, the turkey or Tofurkey, it will be a clear indicator as to how far America’s humanity has come. Chances are people will continue to follow along with the same ignorance as their ancestors did by doing nothing, but I hope not. I hope people will try a diet without meat for a week and see how it goes. We by no means have to eat meat and in fact, nutritionists recommend vegetarian diets. Most people have never tried it, but once they do, they realize how easy it is and see the benefits. We have to remember, while African Americans were getting killed by the KKK for no real reasons, our ancestors embarrassingly did nothing. To think that we will do nothing with the way we treat animals will be disgusting. If something is wrong, we should do something about it. There is no reason to sit back like our ancestors did; it is sick, inexcusable, and ignorant. Our solution is clear; if we don’t want to act as pitifully as our ancestors, it’s time to go vegetarian.

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